Wednesday, September 9, 2009

yo yo hello. wowza what a summer! full to the brim and then some with friends, fun, music, and of course... mimosas. i think everyone is going to need another summer vaca to recover from the madness that was these past few months. but power through and come join for Mary Monday.

the Harby family went through quite some changes this summer, some additions, some losses, we miss you Linds, Vanessa, Karinanana, Lizola, Amanda, Taylor, Javier! but, what is so amazing is the rest of the fam that can be counted on like clockwork. we can always count on the monday kitchen krew gathered around turk and a table that is not nearly large enough to contain the laughter. and it seems that a Banana Pancake Tuesday caravan has formed causing our parking lot to runneth over for an hour, nothing like nana cakes with buddies. Taco Thursay, taco and beer for 5 bones... how could you not get stoked. and friday, oh Mimosa Friday. where to begin... first of all i feel like the ultimate creeper seeing as i now know the addresses, birthdays, middle names, whos a donor, who wears corrective lenses, and drivers license numbers of about 80 people from such repetitive i.d. checking... you know who you are. your awesome.

Mimosa Friday is definitely our most popular theme day. its sheer brilliance really. now if your a mimo friday rookie and have the afternoon to waste at the beach, come test the waters. 9.95 all you can drink mimosas in the sun. however, please remember this does mean all you can drink within reason, no chugalug por favor, we want to keep fridays rollin con no problemas. while meemosers are amazazing, everyday at harbor never dissapoints. what a great crew of customers and employees alike. the place is aglow with smiles from 8 to 2 even on the
roughest of days. don't forget the fun can roll on past the sunset aswell. many nights the cafe can be found buzzing with live music and dindin or private parties ranging from birthday ragers, to baby showers. whether your thing is open bar or balloons, dan and max can make it happen for you. so night or day you can play at harbor cafe!!! sure no one has money but we all still manage to make it to the cafe for at least one square a week. its that die hard harbor-fan in all of us that has brought everyone together for way to much fun in the sun. thanks so much to everyone n0t only for your support, but for making this quite the summer o love!


  1. Well Done, Alexis! Beautiful summary of the the Summer that was... We are lucky to have you and your creative little mind with us! And Thanks for being a stickler with the ID checking... so crucial : )
